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Door and Window Repairs Blog

Thursday 21 March 2019

Maintence to U.P.V.C windows.

Maintence to U.P.V.C windows.
Changing Trickle vents and Handles. Overhauling, Adjusting and Re positioning external windowsills making sure drainage is correct and all windows are opening and closing. Finally Cleaning down the frames and removing all dirt and grime.

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 




Wednesday 13 June 2018

Change the Colour of your UPVC Windows and Doors

NW Window Repairs Blog | Domestic UPVC Colour Changing

With Spring 2017 (hopefully) around the corner, NW Door and Window Repairs find ourselves inundated with requests from customers to freshen up their windows and doors, or to change the colour completely. In fact, we have started early this year! So with this in mind, please have a read below to find out what we can do for you.

Written by Quillations on Behalf of NW Window Repairs

Colour Change UPVC Windows Before Photo

An Insight in to UPVC Colour Changing

Everyone is individual. We all have our own unique style and tastes. So when it comes to our homes, we will always add our own design to make it ours. But look around you. The majority of houses have white UPVC window frames, with the occasional coloured door. Is this really you?
NW Door and Window Repairs can help you put your own unique stamp on your property, by changing the colour of your windows and doors for you! And the best thing - we can do this without having to dismantle your home! All of our spray painting is done on site, and comes complete with a 10 Year Warranty against peeling, cracking and fading. Our prices start from as little as £100 depending on the size of the area to be spray painting, and your location, and with our FREE quotation, why not give us a call to see what we can do for you!
But it doesn't stop there! A lot of our customers have asked us what would happen if we spray paint their windows and doors, and then they decide they don't like the look. What would happen? The simple answer, is nothing. We would have been instructed to paint what you asked for, and would have to charge you again to put it back to how it was.
But do not worry. NW Door and Window Repairs have created our unique Image Colour Software Demo for you to see what your property will look like with the colour you have chosen BEFORE any paint is sprayed.
This can be tested on our own property templates, or you can upload your own photograph to see what your own property would look like. Please note: There is a small charge for this service, but it is definitely worthwhile.

Colour Change Windows
Colour Change Windows After Photo

What material can you paint?

We can spray paint several different materials, changing our methods to suit each one accordingly. The list below is the main materials we have been asked to change the colour of. If you cannot find the material which you have, then please email us and we can let you know.

  • UPVC
  • Aluminium
  • Wood
  • Concrete

  • Change the Colour of your Windows and Doors Today!

    NW Door and Window Repairs

    From Luton to London
    Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 




    painting upvc windows and doors

                           Painting pvc-u windows and doors! 

    This is becoming a huge industry over the last 3 to 4 years with many people seeing this as viable option for rejuvenating the existing windows and doors in your property.
    However this work is being under taken by inexperienced traders who are seeing the industry develop, with no real idea of how to under take the projects professionally or safely  without any back ground experience in the spray painting market or even any back ground in decorating.
    We all heard the saying god loves a tryer but can we at least try it before charging for a service you've never undertaken or have any idea in how to set up a spray gun.

    I am only putting this out there as I am increasingly being called by customers asking about information regarding works that have been undertaken by other company's. Below are some of the most frequent questions, a few as I could be hear having you read examples all day.

    Should my paint work feel ruff and will it pull back flat over the next coming weeks?
    The answer is, your paint work should not be ruff to touch and no it will not go flat in the next couple of weeks. This is not the correct spray painting works on windows and/ or doors.

    My paint work looks patchy is this just the thinners drying out?  Answer no this is inexperience spray painting and is where it has been sprayed wet in places and dusting over in others.

    My paint work is flat but look pimply, this is known as orange peel and is basically were the sprayer doesn't know how to set his equipment up, also the air to paint ratio is wrong .

    so really the reason for this Blog is to give the customer a bit of back ground information in what questions  you could be asking before going ahead with you painting works.

    Are you using hvlp or airless?  either is fine but if your looking for a perfect body shop finish you would ask them to use hvlp.

    These questions relate to hvlp
    What litre compressor would you be using  and what is the cfm out put this should be no less than 14cfm and have 70liters of air at the minimum.

    What spray guns do you use? you would be expecting to hear devibliss or sarta  these are industry guns and are hundreds of pounds, not a Mikey mouse £30 jobby out of a locale D.I.Y shop

    Ask for the cfm the gun requires, this should be less than the compressor or the compressor will not be able operate the gun correctly a good gun will be operating around 12 cfm which means you will need around 16cfm from the compressor.

    Do you regulate the psi on the gun?,  if he/she doesn't he/she should! The compressor regulates it no it doesn't the compressor regulates the psi in the hose not what is coming out the gun.

    What psi is the paint to be sprayed?
    Most paints are sprayed between 8/12 psi  to atomize

    These question will not really give you any indication about the sprayers finished product but it will at least tell you if the sprayer knows any thing about spray painting as this is the absolute basic knowledge he would need to even set up the equipment.

    But if you do really want to test his knowledge ask about what air cap he would be using?

    Do you regulate the hose every 15 meters?

    Does the paint have high voc  vialant organic compound?,  if so does he provide a mask for each person in the environment  ask for a data sheet on the product he will be spraying.

    Never except auto motive paint for Upvc!  Upvc is not plastic it is un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride it is a rigid chemical mix also known as pvc-u  for the Europeans as they place the noune before the objective.

    if your sprayer is insistence he will be using a plastic paint for your plastic windows please state to him your windows and doors are not plastic they are upvc, if he doesn't understand the difference in his materials he wont know what product to use on them.

    for a professional  spray painting service you can call Nw window repairs  we are always happy to help with any queries you have  we are always happy to help

    hear are few examples of our work

    NW Door and Window Repairs

    From Luton to London
    Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 





    Thursday 12 January 2017

    DIY Letter Box Installation |

    At NW Door and Window Repairs, we can supply and fit anything which is related to your doors and windows. So if you want a lock, handle or hinge, we can help! Unfortunately some of you may be out of our catchment area, meaning we cannot supply and fit these items for you. Some of you may also want to do some of the work yourself. Below, we talk about fitting your own letter box.

    By Quillations on Behalf of NW Door and Window Repairs

    Why Tell Us?

    Some people may ask why we would share information on how to complete work yourself, as this would seem counter-active to our business. At NW Door and Window Repairs, we understand that a lot of people would rather buy their own letter box, handle, hinge etc, and fit it themselves. We are here to guide, help and advise - as well as carry out the work for those who are not capable themselves. As the saying goes: "just because you know how to cook, doesn't stop you going to a restaurant"!

    Is it simple to fit a letter box?

    Fitting a letter box can be simple if you are simply replacing an old and broken one. The gap is already there after all! But if you have to start cutting your brand new front door to fit a letter box, then it can get trickier.

    The 4 Step Process

    There is a 4 Step process to installing a letter box. These steps can be found by visiting a previous Blog Post. It is a simple process to follow, and will make life easier for you. The post also explains how to measure out your door if you do not already have a letter box opening, and the 3 different sizes which are available for you. So please head over to our old post, take a look, and let us know how you get on! NW Door and Window Repairs always appreciates your comments, and we are passionate about our customers and readers - even if you are not in our catchment areas.

    NW Door and Window Repairs

    From Luton to London
    Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 






    Wednesday 11 January 2017

    Wooden Window Repairs |

    Wooden windows are rarely seen on modern day buildings, but those of you who are lucky enough to have them, will probably know that they are expensive to replace. At NW Door and Window Repairs, we can solve this problem for you but repairing the problem, saving you time and money.

    By Quillations on Behalf of NW Door and Window Repairs

    Wooden Windows

    As time goes by, wooden windows can become damaged from the harsh weather, leaving them looking tired and out-dated. Some may decide to change the wood to a more modern UPVC composite frame, losing the entire look of the building. They believe that this is more cost-effective than replacing them with a new wooden frame. However, this is not true. Using our specialist techniques, NW Door and Window Repairs can transform your old wooden window frames back to their original glory.

    Don't Lose the Look of your Property

    By getting a quotation from us, and booking for the work to be carried out, you will be surprised at how we can transform your property back to how it should be.
    We do not replace any windows, as we can refurbish the old and original wood, leaving you with money in your pocket, and a property that looks like new - if not better!
    So if you want to keep your building looking like it should, then look no further than NW Door and Window Repairs. We can repair your wooden windows at a great cost.

    Picture Gallery

    Take a look at some of our photographs from a property we worked on, restoring their building back to where it was.

    Broken Frame
    Repaired Wooden Frame
    Another Broken Frame
    Repaired Wooden Frame

    NW Door and Window Repairs

    From Luton to London
    Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 






    Tuesday 10 January 2017

    Threshold Repairs |

    Have you discovered a cracked or broken threshold on your front door? If so, then there is no need to worry. NW Door and Window Repairs can repair this broken threshold for you at a fraction of the cost of having to buy a replacement. Find out more below.

    By Quillations on Behalf of NW Door and Window Repairs

    Threshold Repairs

    There is nothing worse than having a draught coming through from your front door, and definitely nothing worse than discovering that your threshold has been broken. The first thing you may think of is an expensive replacement, which you will probably be up-sold a new front door and glass units. All of this expense is unjustified, especially as NW Door and Window Repairs can get this threshold repaired for you at a great price. And the best news is, that all our work comes with the NW Door and Window Repairs Guarantee - on top of the FREE quotation will will supply you for the work.

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    We have undertaken many threshold repairs since we started working, and have many surprised customers about how they didn't have to pay a ridiculous price for a replacement. Below you can see one of the jobs we completed for one of our customers last year.

    Picture Gallery

    Before and after photographs of a Threshold Repair by NW Door and Window Repairs

    Threshold Repairs
    Before Threshold Repair
    Threshold Repairs
    After Threshold Repair

    So before you start looking for a new front door threshold, give NW Door and Window Repairs a call, and get our competitive FREE quotation of a repair.

    NW Door and Window Repairs

    From Luton to London
    Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 






    Monday 9 January 2017

    UPVC Window and Door Frame Repairs |

    Thinking about having your broken UPVC Window Frames or UPVC Door Frames replaced? Well before you decided to get this done, find out how NW Window Repairs can help you.

    By Quillations on Behalf of NW Door and Window Repairs

    UPVC Window Frame Repairs

    Picture the scene: You are out washing and cleaning your windows, when you stumble upon a crack in your UPVC Window Frame. Not a big deal? Think again! This broken frame could lead to a crack in your glass unit, leading to more costs for you. So what do most people do? They ring up a window company and get them to quote for a replacement window frame. On top of this, they will be up-sold new window units - all adding up to a great sum of money, but with a deal making it look like you are actually saving!

    So how can you get a better value for money?

    This is where NW Door and Window Repairs can help. We can repair your UPVC Window Frame at a fraction of the cost a replacement will be, and under no circumstances will we try and up-sell you any other products. Not only this, but we also guarantee our work, giving you peace of mind for the future.

    UPVC Door Frame Repairs

    Have you found that your UPVC Door frame has cracked or broken? Are you now thinking that the cost to replace this will start to rise drastically? Then contact NW Door and Window Repairs. We can repair you UPVC Frame for less money than if you buy a brand new door. Our specialist tools will get your old and broken door frame back to looking like you have bought a replacement, and with our guarantee on top - you will wonder why you thought about replacing in the first place!

    Picture Gallery

    As you can see from the 5 pictures below, we can repair any UPVC Window or UPVC Door Frame for you, and all at a fraction of the cost of a new frame.

    Door Repair
    Before UPVC Door Repair
    Door Repair
    After UPVC Door Repair

    Before UPVC Window Repair
    Window Repair
    After UPVC Window Repair

    So before you settle with a quotation for a brand new Window or Door, give NW Door and Window Repairs a call to get our FREE Quotation today.

    NW Door and Window Repairs

    From Luton to London
    Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 




