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Door and Window Repairs Blog

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Threshold Repairs |

Have you discovered a cracked or broken threshold on your front door? If so, then there is no need to worry. NW Door and Window Repairs can repair this broken threshold for you at a fraction of the cost of having to buy a replacement. Find out more below.

By Quillations on Behalf of NW Door and Window Repairs

Threshold Repairs

There is nothing worse than having a draught coming through from your front door, and definitely nothing worse than discovering that your threshold has been broken. The first thing you may think of is an expensive replacement, which you will probably be up-sold a new front door and glass units. All of this expense is unjustified, especially as NW Door and Window Repairs can get this threshold repaired for you at a great price. And the best news is, that all our work comes with the NW Door and Window Repairs Guarantee - on top of the FREE quotation will will supply you for the work.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We have undertaken many threshold repairs since we started working, and have many surprised customers about how they didn't have to pay a ridiculous price for a replacement. Below you can see one of the jobs we completed for one of our customers last year.

Picture Gallery

Before and after photographs of a Threshold Repair by NW Door and Window Repairs

Threshold Repairs
Before Threshold Repair
Threshold Repairs
After Threshold Repair

So before you start looking for a new front door threshold, give NW Door and Window Repairs a call, and get our competitive FREE quotation of a repair.

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 







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