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Monday 9 January 2017

UPVC Window and Door Frame Repairs |

Thinking about having your broken UPVC Window Frames or UPVC Door Frames replaced? Well before you decided to get this done, find out how NW Window Repairs can help you.

By Quillations on Behalf of NW Door and Window Repairs

UPVC Window Frame Repairs

Picture the scene: You are out washing and cleaning your windows, when you stumble upon a crack in your UPVC Window Frame. Not a big deal? Think again! This broken frame could lead to a crack in your glass unit, leading to more costs for you. So what do most people do? They ring up a window company and get them to quote for a replacement window frame. On top of this, they will be up-sold new window units - all adding up to a great sum of money, but with a deal making it look like you are actually saving!

So how can you get a better value for money?

This is where NW Door and Window Repairs can help. We can repair your UPVC Window Frame at a fraction of the cost a replacement will be, and under no circumstances will we try and up-sell you any other products. Not only this, but we also guarantee our work, giving you peace of mind for the future.

UPVC Door Frame Repairs

Have you found that your UPVC Door frame has cracked or broken? Are you now thinking that the cost to replace this will start to rise drastically? Then contact NW Door and Window Repairs. We can repair you UPVC Frame for less money than if you buy a brand new door. Our specialist tools will get your old and broken door frame back to looking like you have bought a replacement, and with our guarantee on top - you will wonder why you thought about replacing in the first place!

Picture Gallery

As you can see from the 5 pictures below, we can repair any UPVC Window or UPVC Door Frame for you, and all at a fraction of the cost of a new frame.

Door Repair
Before UPVC Door Repair
Door Repair
After UPVC Door Repair

Before UPVC Window Repair
Window Repair
After UPVC Window Repair

So before you settle with a quotation for a brand new Window or Door, give NW Door and Window Repairs a call to get our FREE Quotation today.

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 







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