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Wednesday 13 June 2018

painting upvc windows and doors

                       Painting pvc-u windows and doors! 

This is becoming a huge industry over the last 3 to 4 years with many people seeing this as viable option for rejuvenating the existing windows and doors in your property.
However this work is being under taken by inexperienced traders who are seeing the industry develop, with no real idea of how to under take the projects professionally or safely  without any back ground experience in the spray painting market or even any back ground in decorating.
We all heard the saying god loves a tryer but can we at least try it before charging for a service you've never undertaken or have any idea in how to set up a spray gun.

I am only putting this out there as I am increasingly being called by customers asking about information regarding works that have been undertaken by other company's. Below are some of the most frequent questions, a few as I could be hear having you read examples all day.

Should my paint work feel ruff and will it pull back flat over the next coming weeks?
The answer is, your paint work should not be ruff to touch and no it will not go flat in the next couple of weeks. This is not the correct spray painting works on windows and/ or doors.

My paint work looks patchy is this just the thinners drying out?  Answer no this is inexperience spray painting and is where it has been sprayed wet in places and dusting over in others.

My paint work is flat but look pimply, this is known as orange peel and is basically were the sprayer doesn't know how to set his equipment up, also the air to paint ratio is wrong .

so really the reason for this Blog is to give the customer a bit of back ground information in what questions  you could be asking before going ahead with you painting works.

Are you using hvlp or airless?  either is fine but if your looking for a perfect body shop finish you would ask them to use hvlp.

These questions relate to hvlp
What litre compressor would you be using  and what is the cfm out put this should be no less than 14cfm and have 70liters of air at the minimum.

What spray guns do you use? you would be expecting to hear devibliss or sarta  these are industry guns and are hundreds of pounds, not a Mikey mouse £30 jobby out of a locale D.I.Y shop

Ask for the cfm the gun requires, this should be less than the compressor or the compressor will not be able operate the gun correctly a good gun will be operating around 12 cfm which means you will need around 16cfm from the compressor.

Do you regulate the psi on the gun?,  if he/she doesn't he/she should! The compressor regulates it no it doesn't the compressor regulates the psi in the hose not what is coming out the gun.

What psi is the paint to be sprayed?
Most paints are sprayed between 8/12 psi  to atomize

These question will not really give you any indication about the sprayers finished product but it will at least tell you if the sprayer knows any thing about spray painting as this is the absolute basic knowledge he would need to even set up the equipment.

But if you do really want to test his knowledge ask about what air cap he would be using?

Do you regulate the hose every 15 meters?

Does the paint have high voc  vialant organic compound?,  if so does he provide a mask for each person in the environment  ask for a data sheet on the product he will be spraying.

Never except auto motive paint for Upvc!  Upvc is not plastic it is un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride it is a rigid chemical mix also known as pvc-u  for the Europeans as they place the noune before the objective.

if your sprayer is insistence he will be using a plastic paint for your plastic windows please state to him your windows and doors are not plastic they are upvc, if he doesn't understand the difference in his materials he wont know what product to use on them.

for a professional  spray painting service you can call Nw window repairs  we are always happy to help with any queries you have  we are always happy to help

hear are few examples of our work

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 






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