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Showing posts with label Window Repairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Window Repairs. Show all posts

Thursday 1 September 2022

NW Door and Window Repairs Projects

 Project From The Simit London Eye Structural Glazing 

London Eye Project by NW Door and Window Repairs

Structural Glazing on the grounds of the London Eye says more about us as a company, than the actual  job in hand.  

The job that was in hand was very simple: Over Head Canopy, lifting 70kg of glass above our heads, and leaving it their for another 20 year trusting to never fall out!

Working on an area like this, obviously has its limitations on when a job this big can be carried out, and how we can proceed with works to make sure of absolute safety of all public and ourselves.

With the amount of footfall an area like this has, working during the day hours is simply not plausible, and so has to be to carried out during the night hours.

The Famous Luton Hoo Royalty Owned House

On The Grounds Of The Luton Hoo Hotel 

NW Door and Window Repairs took this sash window refurbishment job for RJ O'Neil Property Services.

We had the pleasure of meeting the owner of the hotel, who was moving into the house.

The house was abandoned on the grounds for some years, and the windows were in a bad condition all over.

After removing the sliding sashes, and stripping them of paint deglazing, we then went to work for the next 6 weeks refurbishing the frames and routing the sashes out.

This was to get them ready to accept the new Energy Efficient Double Glazed Units with full draft proofing.

This was a full scale project!  

Once all the repair work was done, all that was left was to spray paint the refurbished timber, fitting sash cords, and complete draft proofing.

By doing this, all of the period windows were kept, but increasing the thermal value up to todays standards.

If you have a large scale project you wish NW Door and Window Repairs to carry out for you, then please get in touch.

From Luton to London, no project is too large.

Call: 07742 233 310





Friday 26 February 2016

UPVC Maintenance

UPVC Maintenance
Colour Bonding Windows

UPVC Maintenance 

Make Your Home Look New Again

With Spring now right around the corner, now is the perfect time for you to think about UPVC Maintenance. Having fresh looking windows and doors help make an impact on your home, and having tired and faded window frames will really let you down.

With a UPVC Window or Door, there really isn’t much maintenance needed – if it has been looked after. However, if there is a lot of dirt and grime on the frames which has been left for a few years, UPVC Maintenance is very important.

It is easy to clean this up yourself, but you have to be very careful that you use the correct products for the job. Failure to do this may result in the silicone seals being lifted away, causing you to have to replace these at extra cost.

If you find you cannot clean your existing UPVC windows or doors, and want them looking brand new, then give NW Door and Window Repairs a call now. This is the perfect time of year to start to make your home look new after the winter season has finished. And with our on-site UPVC Painting service, we are the first company you should contact.

NW Door and Window Repairs can transform any UPVC Window or Door and make them look like new – for a fraction of the cost of replacing. We can turn your tired and existing White UPVC Frames to a brilliant white again, or even a different colour of your choice! And with our built-in photo-editing software on our website, we can even show you what your home will look like once it is completed!

With a large array of different colours to choose from our RAL.U Colour Chart, you will be spoilt for choice!

Head over to our website now to find out more.

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 



with over 5 Years of experience in UPVC Painting

Thursday 18 February 2016

Condensation On Windows

Condensation on Windows
Condensation On Windows

Are you battling with Condensation on Windows?

Many people think the only way to stop the condensation on windows building up, is to replace your existing window with a new one. THIS IS NOT TRUE. In fact, if you DO replace your window, and go for a cheaper glazing option to help save money, your new window will only be rated from a C for energy saving. This will mean condensation will still occur.

What is Condensation on Windows?

Condensation on windows is a mix of warm air escaping through the double glazed unit, and mixing with the cold air from outside. This will then penetrate in to the glass unit, and mix to create the condensation inside the window.

So how do you deal with Condensation on Windows?

There are a few ways to deal with the condensation build up on your windows. These are listed below:

Option 1: Put some air flow trickle vents in to the window.

This will give air flow to the room, and cool the air around the window. It will cool your room down, and fight about 60% to 70% of your moisture problem.

Option 2: The best solution.

This is the most cost-effective solution, and will save you money on your heating bills, as well as up to 70% of your room temperature.
Remove all the existing glass, and replace with A+ Rated, Low Energy Opti White Glass, with a Warm Edge Spacer Bar, filled with Argon Gas.
This solution will let the window condensate, but only from the exterior part of your window. It essentially reverses the condensation from being on the inside, to the outside. The added benefits of this, is that you will have an A+ Rated window on energy efficiency at a much cheaper cost than replacing your window frames.

Option 3: Replace the Window

This should be the last option you go for, as this is the most expensive. You simple throw out your old window, and replace with new. However, if you go for this option, you must make sure you as for the Low.E Opti White Glass, or your window will simply condensate again – meaning you have simply thrown your money away and not achieved anything!

NW Window Repairs understand that people think the only solution is to replace their windows, but this is not the case. It isn’t about getting rid of the old window frame and problem solved! It is about ensuring you have the best glass fitted to suit your needs.

Remember: Over 80% of a window or door is glass. If you change the glass to fix the problem, the problem is solved. The frames themselves have no energy efficiency to them unless the substrate is wood, as this will naturally retain the heat.
UPVC is a hollow section, meaning there is an air cavity. Aluminium is thermally broken with a UPVC Strip to stop the cold penetrating through. Thermally broken does not mean energy efficient.

So if you want to go with option 3 and spend a lot of money getting your windows replaced, please remember to ask for A+ Rated glass.

If you want to go with the cheaper options, then give us a call now.

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 




We Can Help Save You Money

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Window Repairs North London

Do you need Window Repairs in North London? Then choose NW Door and Window Repairs

Within the last few months, NW Door and Window Repairs have expanded our business out to do window repairs in North London, and our business is starting to thrive in the area. So what makes us stand out from the other window repairs companies in North London?

NW Door and Window Repairs believes in saving you money. A lot of major companies will take one look at your existing windows and doors, and convince you that they need replacing. Although this may be true in some cases, the majority of windows and doors can actually be repaired at a much lower cost. And with NW Door and Window Repairs warranty, you still have the same peace of mind as if you had a new window fitted.

Our customers’ response has always been excellent, and we always strive to improve in all areas of our service to you. We try and respond within a 24 Hour window to any questions or queries we receive, and will always supply you with a FREE, No Obligation Quotation with the work which you require. Our aim is to try and find the most cost effective way of getting your windows and doors repaired for you, and will sometimes give you different options in how we can achieve this.

North London has a wide variety of different and unique window styles, and at NW Door and Window Repairs, we know how to repair them all. Yet it isn’t only your windows and doors which we can sort out for you. NW Door and Window Repairs are also specialists in UPVC Spray Painting, and Aluminium Coating, which can change or freshen up the colour of your interior or exterior frames. All of our spray painting jobs are completed with your windows and doors in-situe, meaning we will not have to remove and take your windows and doors away to change the colour of them for you.

We have had many clients use our services in North London already, and have also had some commercial properties who have been in contact with us.

So why delay? Call NW Door and Window Repairs North London today!

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 




NW Window Repairs North London – We Can Help Save You Money. 


Friday 5 February 2016

Shop Front Respray

Shop Front Respray
Shop Front Respray


A little while ago, we had a call from one of our clients who wanted a shop front respray. The original quotation they had to refit the shop front was not budgeted for, so they contacted us at NW Door and Window Repairs. We arrived at the building, and priced up the job for them - and undercut the original quote they had been given.

As this was a commercial property which had other contractors doing their work, we arranged a suitable time and date for our work to start. We had to take in to account the footfall around the shop, and decided that the safest time would be out of our usual working hours due to Health and Safety reasons.

We liaised with our client as to the colour of the sign which was going above the shop front, and colour matched using our RAL colour chart, getting the exact shade required. This colour was also used throughout the inside of the shop, to tie the whole brand together.

Inside Shop Before Respray
Inside the Shop Before Respray

We made sure everything was protected before the shop front respray commenced, and made sure all of the interior work was also protected from any over-spray.

Once the job was completed, the shop front shutters were checked, to ensure that they still operated in the correct manor, and would not damage the paintwork in any way. 

For more pictures of this commercial shop front respray, please head on over to our website, where you will find a gallery of before and after photographs of this particular job.

So if you have a shop front or a shop interior which you would like to be resprayed in a colour of your choice, or if you have a domestic property where you require your windows or doors to have a change in colour or a simple refresh, then give NW Door and Window Repairs a call.

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 




Monday 1 February 2016

Solutions Strategy

Solutions Strategy

 An Example of Solutions Strategy

 One example of our solutions strategy is where we attended a job that had newly fitted window and doors, but then didn't pass any of the Fire Regulations. This was down to them being made from an architects drawing without much thought of where these windows would be situated, and spec not being put down before ordering. We were told by the contractors that we have come across your website, and after speaking to dozens of other repair companies, we don’t think anything can be done and can’t even find someone that will attend to even look at the job. They said they were about to re-order all of the windows that didn't pass the regulations.

Fire Regulations Not Met
This window did not pass the fire regulations due to center mullion
We attended this job and looked around, where we stated that we can do something with this. We spent around 30 minutes of our time to give a quick sample - not a full finished job, but enough to show the contractor what we were proposing to do. We waited 3 days for the fire regulations man to say yes or no, when we were then given the go ahead to redesign 47 windows on site to pass the regulations. 

Center Mullion Removed
Center Mullion has now been removed from its fixed point, and now opens with the left hand opener, giving enough clearance for a person to jump out of in case of fire

Smaller Window
This is a smaller window which has the same issues. This is what all the windows looked like when shut.
These are the type of commercial jobs we at NW Door and Window Repairs love working on. We find that we can always come up with a solution to all our clients needs, and get the job done for you.

All of our quotations for our work are free, and without any obligation for you to have the work undertaken by us.

So if you have a problem with any of your windows or doors which are not up to the Fire Regulations, then please give us a call, send us an email, or visit our website to find out more.

NW Door and Window Repairs

From Luton to London
Window and Door Refurbishment and Repair Specialists 



